deliver a letter

美 [dɪˈlɪvər ə ˈletər]英 [dɪˈlɪvə(r) ə ˈletə(r)]
  • 投递信件
deliver a letterdeliver a letter
  1. I just wanted to deliver a letter .


  2. A famous joke in Scotland was to send someone to a house to deliver a letter .


  3. He had the two men deliver a letter to the English king , in which he asked him to kill Hamlet as soon as they arrived in England .


  4. Once on New Year 's Eve , a small militia band went to the town of Weichang , thirteen miles in the enemy 's rear , to deliver a letter to a landlord who had countersettled .


  5. In such circumstance , especially in oil or container transportation , the carrier may have to deliver the cargo against a letter of indemnity or bank guarantee for many reasons .
